Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pros and Cons of Being The Eldest

PRO: You can be assured that your clothes are new (not hand-me downs)! Yey!!! 

CON: You have to share your food to your siblings. Grrr... As the eldest, you need to give up the last piece of cake for your wailing baby brother!

PRO: Your parents trust you the most. As early as highschool, you can attend sleepovers and school events that usually last until midnight.

CON: It seems your parents doesn't care at you at all! Yes, they ask of your whereabouts but unlike your pampered baby sister who needs to be fetched from parties because the parents are too scared for her safety. Lol!

PRO: Once you do good. As in you've set the bar high, be prepared of your parent's usual speech to your younger siblings which says, "Be like your ate. She did good in school. Look at her now, she has a job and can afford to buy the things she wants." Haha!

CON: Once your siblings did something terrible, you're responsible for it! Hello! You were the one who committed the crime! Ok you were not the one who broke the vase! But why is the blame on you? Because you should have done your job of keeping an eye on your playful brother! Haha!

PRO: One of my favorite perks - you have the authority to ask your siblings to do something for you. Haha! "Get me this. Do this!" *evil laugh*

CON: In the absence of your parents, you need to do stuffs for them like enrolling for them, making sure they have eaten already, giving their allowance, teaching their assignment... *sigh*

PRO: Being called "ate." It gives you some kind of power. Haha! Kidding aside, it's endearing to hear them  call you "ate." Right?

CON: Being called "ate" are abused at times. When there's a problem in the house, who's to call after the parents??? It's "ate!" It's ate's role to ask the waiter for a service waiter, to ask the saleslady for their shoe size, to check if there's a ghost outside the bedroom, blah, blah...haha!!!

..and the list goes on... To tell you the truth I think the Pros outnumber the Cons. No matter how many times I complain of being the eldest, I do love being one. I won't trade it for anything. Naks! Really. Because I've learned a lot from this role. I believe that I wouldn't be resilient (I think I am) and responsible if I was not the eldest. Besides, even though my siblings were kinda crazy when they still younger, they have grown into decent and respectful young adults. I love them so much. 

Here is a blog I've written in my Multiply account last July 2007:

way back 2006.
"being an ATE is such a huge responsibility but at the same time it's fulfilling...

it's a huge responsibility in the sense that there are some sacrifices (like d pwde lumakat kay wry bilin balay or bisan bc kelangan umatend dd and may errands...etc...ehehe) and i have to be GOOD 24/7 (like be a model ate... ehehe)...

sometimes i wonder nalang... im still human... am i not entitled to make mistakes? am i not entitled to be wrong sometimes? *sigh* i know...i know... i just have to be careful in every action i take and be responsible in everything that i do coz i have younger siblings that look up to me... and i don't want to be a bad example to them...

but hey being an ate is also fulfilling... (just being called ate is a wonderful feeling =) especially when I know i'm doing my job right.... =)"

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