Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What A Girl Should Be According to Coco Chanel

When I was about 2 or 3 years old, I was such a spoiled brat! Even though I had no hair, I felt like the cutest kid in town. Haha! But my family would often tell me that what made me cute then was not my "physical appearance" but my wit. I may not be able to pronounce the words well but I talk like an adult already. I would even bash people at times. Tsk, tsk...not proud of it though, haha!

When I started going to school at 5 years old, I became timid and behave. My elementary days were tough. I don't know what happened to the audacious girl I used to be. I was bullied and had a low self-esteem. I didn't feel like a kid because I had to meet certain expectations. I didn't feel like myself. Heck I don't even know who I was neither what I want to do!

Highschool. I had some of the best and  worst days during my highschool. Insecurities may arise but I get by... This is the time wherein I finally started to get comfortable with my own skin. I would not have survived highschool without my friends and classmates.

College was about getting lost and finding my way back. There were times that I felt free but still hidden. I felt so sure but I was wrong in the end. College was about making mistakes and learning from them.

Now...I'm in my 20's. In a few years I'll be 30 already. I wonder if Coco Chanel will be proud of me. Haha! Or my loved ones is. I do hope so. I'm still a work-in-progress. I do believe that I have already confidence in me. Slowly, I'm starting to let go of my worries and insecurities. Little by little I'm beginning to trust and believe in myself more. Though there are times that I hate myself for acting so "un-lady like" grrrr... I can be loud and laugh for all I care or I can be maldita! Not proud of it! Time and time again I'm reminding myself of what Coco Chanel said that "A GIRL SHOULD BE CLASSY & FABULOUS."

A woman with class is someone who knows how to act and behave depending on the place and situation.A woman with class possesses grace. She is a woman who is beautiful inside and out. She is a woman with innate goodness. She is calm, confident, and smart.

While a fabulous woman is someone who knows how to have fun and let loose once in a while. She doesn't take herself too seriously but is motivated in achieving her dreams. She is a happy and free person. A fabulous woman loves herself as well as the people around her.

How about you? What do you think makes a woman classy and fab?


  1. darlz!! yana pala ako pkahibaro na may blog ka ngyan!! hahah i soo love it! maybe i should start a blog of my own instead of writing on a notebook... (^_^)

    1. oo mars, i started on tumblr baya... dba may tumblr ka ghp? outlet ko it blogging kasi, ehehe
