Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Things I Realized After My 26th

  1. I shouldn't pressure myself on things that are beyond my control. Instead, I should  lift everything to God and be the best person that I can be.
  2. I should put love in everything I do. I believe that LOVE is the secret to success. If you love what you're doing, then you'll be HAPPY doing it, eventually you'll be good at it and without noticing you're already on top. (if only that's how life works...haha! come on people be optimistic!)
  3. SELF MANAGEMENT is as important, if not more important, than TIME MANAGEMENT. I'm quite aware that I'm no Superwoman but that doesn't mean that I can't do "grace under pressure." I should know what and how to prioritize in order to make the most of my time.
  4. Patience is, indeed, a virtue. Unanswered prayers may mean that something better is yet to come or it's not meant for me or it's not yet my time have it. 
  5. It won't hurt to be a little nicer to ALL people. It won 't hurt either to SMILE 'coz it can make a difference ^_~
  6. Never judge people 'coz you may never know what they're going through.
  7. Social networking are meant for communicating people NOT stalking people. Real relationships should be built on conversations, going out, and being there for the other person (physically, spiritually, or emotionally) NOT just on liking pics, commenting on status, etc.
  8. I should value my family, boyfriend, and friends more. I should never take them for granted because they are the ones that complete my life.
  9. I should not be scared of taking risks because it's one way of growing up. I'll never know what I'm capable of if I'll be coward my whole life.
  10. I shouldn't compare my life to others because the tendency is for me to be proud or envious. "I live a free and fabulous life and I'm so blessed!!!" That's what I will tell myself everyday and that's how I will live my life!

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