Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bye September, Hello October!

I had a blast this September!!! Not only because it was my birthday last September 8 but I had fun going out with friends, meeting with classmates, preparing for the upcoming debut of my sister, client call, practice singing for our chorale competition this December, making my research paper...etc, etc, etc!

Still, there's so much to do for the last remaining months of the year! I have yet to comply my Research and Strat papers! I also need to study already for the Compre next year! Grrrr... Gosh! Of course, I also NEED to be more productive and efficient at WORK! I should stop being complacent if I want to make it big, haha! Seriously, I should stop being a mediocre and start pushing myself to be better and right! The Darleen I used to know is competitive (at least to myself). Where is she? I miss her!!! During my college days, I always strive to do good because my scholarship was at stake. Maybe I'm lacking motivation now. *stopped typing for five minutes and thinks what my motivation is* 

*after five minutes* My dreams! I dream to be successful in my career, to have a nice house and car, and a happy family. They will never be realized if I won't start doing good today. Not just good but doing my BEST. The foundations of my dream starts TODAY! That's my motivation! During college my motivation was to graduate (on time) and eventually land a good job. Now that I have a good job (a better one is yet to come, haha!) I should be motivated to work hard because I have dreams to realize! Naks!!!

Just recently also I had a conversation with my boyfriend. I'll make it short by saying that he ended up lecturing me about my credit card! I always get irritated when he lectures me because I know he's right. My pride is hurt! Huhu!!! I was quiet for a moment but I know that he only meant good for me. I already had plans on settling things but after the talk with him I know that I should take things more seriously and start acting like a grown up. God help me!!!!

Yes, my September was not only fun but also full of realizations. I believe that adding up one year on my age has allowed me to wake up and assess my life all over again. This time I should not just be evaluating myself but I should also need to MAKE ACTION STEPS towards recovery...errr...GROWTH (yeah growth! hehe!) God has blessed me so much and it would be sad to put my life into waste, right??? Cliche it may sound but I should live my life to the fullest!

Let me end my post by sharing to you something I read in Good Housekeeping (June 2012 edition).

I totally agree with everything that Ms. Gelli has said especially this line, "I am conscious of the fact that my husband should not complete me, but should enhance the person that I am." When we are so in love we tend to make our partners our life and world that in the end we lose the person that we used to be. We feel that we are nothing or incomplete without them. Then our whole world will crumble when they're gone. Don't get me wrong. My point is... our partners are meant to help us grow. They are there to support us and believe in us when no one else do. I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend who believes in me no matter how cheesy my dreams may seem. That's what relationships are for - to help bring out the best in each other.

 "One of the best way to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; one of the best way to make other people is to be happy yourself."

Let us spread love and happiness not just during holidays and special occasions but all year round! :))

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