Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Thoughts for a Happy YOU

Have you ever experienced getting even with someone out of anger but in the end you end up becoming the loser? Well, recently, I found myself hating someone (ok hate is such a strong word, maybe dislike perhaps?). I’m not even sure the reason as to my so-called-hatred. I guess I felt insulted with what that person did to me. So when I had the opportunity, gumanti ako! (sorry, can’t find the proper English word aside from revenge and vengeance) But then I realized that it was a dense move on my part. I did not felt like a winner after that. I felt such a dumb loser instead. *sad face*

Not only did I felt like a loser, I felt so stupid!!! Here I am carrying a heavy heart everytime I see that person, rolling my eyes everytime that person speaks, biting my lips and clenching my fist as if I’m ready to fight! Why am I even that angry? I doubt if that person felt the same way. I bet that that person is just ok and doesn’t even bother thinking about me! Haha!!! I’m so childish even feeling this way.

So this morning, I woke up and decided to take control of my emotions (not the other way around) and of my actions. I already find the guts to make peace with myself (hello, inner peace should be attained first before having one with someone, right?) and whoever that person is. J

I’m the type of person who acknowledges my mistake and do really apologize. I don’t want to go on with my life knowing I have hurt someone. I’m a worrier!!! I can’t sleep peacefully at night if I’m mad or someone hurt me. I want to settle things. But not right away. I will pray for it and talk to someone. I still need to gather courage before I can face someone. Haha! Hey it’s also a brave thing to do to ask for forgiveness. It’s not easy. But it is only when you have unloaded the burden that you can experience bliss.

So, make each day blissful by having only happy thoughts in mind. Free your heart from worries, frustrations, envy, and pride. Let go of these negative emotions ‘coz they are hindrance to your happiness. If you dwell on these negative things you can’t focus on your work, on your relationships, and on realizing your dreams. Start incorporating positivity in your life. Smile! Loosen up! Be healthy! J  Remember what Peter Pan said? Think of happy thoughts so you can fly! J

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