Friday, August 31, 2012

Life Is Short

It's every girl's fantasy to have her dream wedding come true. Blame it on fairy tales and movies, girls are sucker for romance. We want a fancy wedding that shouts to the whole world how amazing our love life is!!! And the start of our happily ever after is majestic! Haha!!! Well, there's nothing really wrong with that... except that nowadays...budget is tight...tighter I mean, hehe! Couples should know how to prioritize (what things to splurge or save) and what to prioritize (the wedding itself or life after the wedding which is the REAL thing). The real essence of the wedding should also be present...which I believe is to finally have the blessing of GOD of your union as a couple, as husband and wife.

So I've been fantasizing lately - which is a favorite hobby of mine, haha - that a small wedding is actually nice. Small wedding as in only close families and friends are there to witness the wedding and celebrate our love. 

Patty Laurel really said it right here:

"I've always wanted to have a small wedding. And by small, I mean really small. To put it in clearer terms: Me, Patrick, The Minister, my family, his family and our tiny entourage. My dream is to have a quiet and solemn ceremony with just our close knit circle of loved ones. Pat and I are extremely friendly people, we have sooooo many friends from here and there! Each person we consider a "friend" is valuable to us and has touched us in their own unique way. But at the end of the day, we have to remember that we're only getting married once..and we'd like to do it OUR WAY. So as a couple we'd like to celebrate it quietly with only our families. We're still planning to have a fun celebration with all our wonderful friends from school, church, work, etc. maybe a few days before or after, but the actual ceremony we'd like to keep as simple and meaningful as possible. This is something Patrick and I have been praying fervently for, that people will respect our decision to keep it small on our BIG day."

A small wedding with a carefree and relax vibe...

Can it also be hilarious??? Haha!

With a touch of your personality...

And details that are truly your own

With you and the guests having FUN!

And.. the LOVE is so alive and present!

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